2025-03-12 |
We will start the activities for you by receiving the necessary documents from
you, including the study protocol. The details are established during the
meeting/discussion. Note: it is not necessary for you to provide your CRF, we
can prepare it for you based on our knowledge and experience.
The day after transfer of the needed trail documents |
At this point, you will receive a demo version of the eCRF system developed from
the data provided by you. Then we begin the stage of detailing the eCRf content
to ensure the highest possible data quality.
Not later than two weeks from the beginning of the implementation
Not later than one month from the beginning of the implementation
This is the duration of the planned study, such as 3 years, 5
years, etc.
If your request is urgent, please mark it in the form.
The approximate date of the start of the study, may change later.
If randomization is planned in your study select it from the list. If a
particular method is not listed here, then write us about it in the comments, or
inform us at the meeting
Fill in the approximate number of users, including all roles - researchers,
coordinators, Monitors, and Sponsors. This will help us properly estimate the
price of the product for you.
We have extensive experience in integrating the IWRS module with eCRF which
allows for the error-free management of medication for patients. If your study
requires IWRS, please select this option.
If your study collects any digital data,
including test results in text/number or image form, we can prepare a data repository for you that will be connected to the eCRF.
Write your comment here,
all the necessary information that will help us prepare an offer best suited to your needs.